The display of the heavy propeller driven
military aircraft starting from 1945, such as the A-1 Skyraider, T-28 Trojan and OV-1
Mohawk. |
The Lockheed F-80 "Shooting star"
completed here maiden flight in January 1944 as XP-80. An employment in the Second World
War did not happen however. In the Korean war the MiG-15 was better than the F-80, so that
it was quickly replaced by the F-86. |
Douglas a AD-4 Skyraider on a simulated ground
attack. In Korea and Vietnam this type of aircraft was very successful at ground attacks.
This AD-4 belonged to the famous VA-195 "Dambusters" Squadron, which destroyed a
dam in China with torpedos in 1951. |
Chris Round with his red Lockheed T-33
"Red Knight" is a frequent participant at North American air shows. Since his
16th birthday until today he is an active pilot. |
Mike Schloss with his AD-4 Skyraider
"Naked Fanny" with open flaps briefly before landing. After the tower told him
that his wheels where still reclined, Mike decided for a "go around". |
In the meantime Chris has already over 10.000
flying hours in the cockpits of more than 70 different types of aircrafts. "Red
Knight" was from 1958 to 1969 a solo display airplane of the Royal Canadian Air Force
training command. |
Two North American T-28 "Trojan"
start their engines and prepare for their display. |
One of the most successful military jets in
its time was the North American F-86 "Sabre", in 1953 introduced as a successor
of the F-80. The F-86 was the counterpart of the MiG-17. The German Air Force also
possessed Sabres. |
The T-28 Trojan replaced the obsolete North
American AT-6 at the beginning of the 50's within the U. S. Air Force. More than 2200
machines were built into the 60's and were used by many nations as trainers and combat
aircraft. |
Dale Snodgrass waves to the public at the
flight line from his cockpit of this highly polished F-86. |
Today there are still 150 airworthy copies of
the T-28. This machine is a T-28B and was produced in 1955. |
Dr. Richard Sugden from Idaho awes the fans of
historical jets with his only airworthy FJ-4 Fury in the world. |
The unusual Grumman OV-1 "Mohawk".
The twin-engine turbo-prop machine was designed in 1956 as a high speed observation
airplane for US Army. |
The FJ-4 Fury is the advancement of the F-86
Sabre, for the U. S. Navy. For use on aircraft carriers the FJ-4 was altered various
times. |
Not necessarily aerodynamically favourably,
but equipped with the best view to the outside. The "Mohawk" was also used in
the Vietnam conflict. |
Unfortunately no longer seen frequently: the
F-4 "Phantom II" still lets the earth shake and trills the public. |
The OV-1is versatile in use, not only as
observation airplane but also as a ground attack aircraft with rockets and .50 cal.
machine guns under the wings. This OV-1 belongs to the American Wings Air Museum. |
Designed by McDonnell Douglas in 1969, the
F-15 Eagle today is produced by Boeing. About 1.400 machines where manufactured. Most of
them, approx. 1.200, are used by the US Air Force. |
Heritage Flight with F-4 Phantom II, F-16,
P-38 and P-51. These formations are very rewarding for the pilots. |
The well-known VTOL aircraft BAe
"Harrier" is known in the USA as "'AV-8"". It's hard to believe
that the Harrier turns 40 next year. |
The USAF Heritage Flight shows us four
generations of combat aircraft in a close formation. |
The signature "NAVY" does not
camouflage the fact that this is an L-39 Albatross. It is actually an airplane of Czech
construction. |
Of the elegant Hawker Hunter more than 1.400
planes where built and sold too many nations. The USA never had a Hunter in service.
Nevertheless this beautiful machine remains an eye-catcher. |
The old painting with the red star works
nevertheless better and gives it more authenticity . Since the fall of the iron curtain
many L-39's have found there way into the USA. |
From the first delivery in 1954 until the
de-activation of the last machines of Swiss Air Force, the Hawker Hunter was a very
success model that was in active service for 40 years. Today some machines are in private
hands, which own and operate them. |